How to use honey to cure acne

« ...Topical creams and gels, which kill bacteria, are as well available. These generally have benzoyl peroxide. These top acne products are used on skin twice or else thrice a day. One can buy soaps and face wash, which have benzoyl peroxide. Benzoyl peroxide kills acne-causing bacteria and has keratolytic effect. This means it dissolves keratin, which is plugging your skin's pores. Unluckily, acne skin care products having this chemical can cause skin to dry radically. To stop this, concentration of benzoyl peroxide must not go beyond 5%. Patient must also use the non-comedogenic moisturizer to fight extreme skin dryness....
...If you are really suffering with this disease then don't wait until it spoils your whole body. As soon as possible consult dermatologist or any skin doctor....»
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«...Dirt does not cause acne. Even dirty skin does not cause acne, however it should be said that healthy skin comes from proper hygiene. Even if you rolled in dirt, you are not going to get acne simply by having dirt on your skin. In fact, those who wash their face too often could cause some irritation, which then makes the skin more susceptible to the chance of infection....»
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tags: home acne care, natural acne scar treatment, types of acne breakouts