How can i remove acne scars from my face

« ...You can get greater benefits by adding the things to the water that you are going to use for steaming your face. While you can use just plain boiling water, you will not notice as many benefits as you would if you add things to the water before you steam. Below are the top five tips to help get you on your way to a clear complexion in no time at all....
...To understand what causes Acne, we need to talk about androgen. To start, androgen can enlarge the sebaceous glands in hair follicles, leading to greater amounts of oily sebum being produced and resulting in acne. Androgen is a hormone which promotes male characteristics such as facial hair growth and deepening of the voice. At puberty there is an increase of this hormone in both men and women causing a thickening of the outer layer of skin which may result in hair follicles becoming clogged with dead skin cells (keratin). Androgen hormones are present in females as well as males. A sudden increase in these hormones takes place at puberty....»
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«...In our society, there is no shortage of advice. Acne is no different. Following advice such as "don't eat pizza", "Wash your face many times", "avoid oily food" are just plain useless and have no truth in them having helped clear acne....»
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tags: how do you treat cystic acne, benzoyl peroxide gel bp in removing acne scars, home remadies on how to keep prevent acne