Acne medications that cause sterility

« ...I have personally taken tetracyclines in the past, and have stopped taking it because of the many serious side effects that it carries. Tetracyclines were also costing me a huge fortune, which was one of the reasons that I have stopped visiting the dermatologist.This drug requires you to continue taking it even if your acne is completely gone. And for this reason, you are inevitably going to experience some side effects....
...Sunscreen is important for everyone, but especially for people with acne, since most blemish-blasting ingredients increase the skin's sensitivity to sunlight. Many people see sunburn as a quick fix for acne, since sunburn causes the face to peel and the burned skin takes zits off with it. Don't buy into this myth. The sun might temporarily dry out zits, but they will come back and they may eventually be joined by wrinkles, age spots, or even cancer....»
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«...It looks easy indeed but the key is diligence. You have to discipline yourself into following this regimen. Daily! Ideally right after you wake-up and right before you go to sleep....»
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